Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On Avery

I'm starting with Jack because this will be the only picture of him for the rest of the post. Don't start screaming favoritism yet, though, because he will be 15 months old this week so he'll get a full post all to himself! But that is later. Today is all about Avery because she gets a bad rep around here sometimes and it's probably a smidge unfair to her.

Lately Avery has been cracking us up with the things she says. Here are some examples:
  • After asking her if she wants some dinner tonight she replied, "Yes, please." And a moment later said, "Thank you, mommy, for offering me some dinner."
  • When my dad gave her a stick of gum she said, "Poppa this gum is a rectangle and has four sides."
  • We were driving in the car and when we reached a stop sign she said, "that is an octagon."
  • At gymnastics last night she shouted to us from across the gym, "mom! I am listening to my teacher!" Which was mostly true.
She LOVES gymnastics. It is hilarious to watch her bounce around because she is just thrilled to be there and it shows in every move. I need to video her sometime. Also, she is not capable of going 3 minutes without a weggie.
After gymnastics she came home and to her delight her "boyfriend" Jordan was outside. It is so fun to watch the two of them together because she is just enamored with him and he is happy to impress.
Jordan held Avery's hand and took her over to see the flowers in the front yard. It was just as cute as could be. I am so glad I had my camera right there when it happened.
My friend Lauren made this for Avery. She is so talented! I just emailed her and said that Avery is really into dress-up and won't stop talking about being a butterfly for halloween. I didn't think I could take her asking to be a butterfly from now until halloween so Lauren whipped up this costume. She LOVES it! And you can tell from the picture that she couldn't wait to put it on because this picture was taken 5 minutes after she woke up. She has bed-head and didn't even put on her glasses yet.
Here she is checking herself out in the mirror.
Checking herself out...and Jack wondering what is going on. Coincidently, Lauren gave Jack those jammies for Christmas, ha!
And now all she does is ask us if she can go back to "ballallet" class. She twirls around every chance she gets.
I'm just not sure I am ready for that again. I don't know if I can take her screaming and crying while watching through the 2x3 mirrored glass window from the waiting room. Maybe in the fall....maybe.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Jack with the water drops all over him. Looks like he was having fun playing under the sprinkler!

Adam Shingleton said...

Love the wedgies! That is too funny! Liv tells me "Mom, my panties are in my butt!" It always makes me laugh.