Sunday, January 25, 2009

Second Verse, Same As the First

Jack has decided to test our sanity by contracting another illness. I am pretty sure that we will meet our annual insurance deductible by the end of the month. This time there was nothing we could do but give him some Motrin and some pain killer made up of Maalox and Benadryl to numb his throat. He was pretty miserable for all of Friday and most of the rest of the weekend. The worst of it was that he had such a terrible time sleeping thanks to his throat hurting and I think we can all agree that everything is much worse when you aren't functioning on a full night of sleep.

2009 can bite me.

Maybe we will start our new year over on February 1st and just forget that January even happened at all. 

Since Jack was sick (did I mention AGAIN) we didn't do anything this weekend in the realm of fun. I wanted to see a movie since it is award season and I still haven't seen all of the Oscar nominated films. If you haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire yet, grab some candy, stuff it in your purse and get to the movie theater. (what? Like you actually pay $5 for m&ms at the theater.) But we did end things well with an awesome Pioneer Woman dinner. Matt made Ranch Style Chicken and Twice Baked Potatoes. It was an amazing dinner! I definitely needed something like that after our weekend. 

I am just looking forward to starting the work week again so that I can hang out with people who can articulate their problems rather than just cry about them. 

Now I am off to bed and hopeful that my eyes do not open again until 6:30am. I hear Jack stirring in his crib now so I doubt that wish will come true.

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